
     所属部门: 软件工程系

     电子邮件: wangchao@nankai.edu.cn

     职 称: 副研究员

     学 历: 博士

     导师: 硕士生导师

     所学专业: 应用数学

     研究方向: 理论计算机科学,自动机理论,应用数学


1993-1997 伟德BETVLCTOR数学试点班 本科

1997-2003 伟德BETVLCTOR组合数学研究中心 研究生

2003-2005 清华大学数学科学系 博士后

2010-2011 美国佐治亚理工大学 访问学者

2005- 伟德BETVLCTOR 教师




















  1. 刘维一, 于德月, 侯庆虎, 王超, 王肇圻, 母国光, 用彩色二维编码测量动态物体三维轮廓的方法, 光电子.激光, (2002), 13(2), 169-172.

  2. 徐锬, 王超, 基于模糊数学的数字图像模糊度, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, (2002), 14(8), 747-749.

  3. Chao Wang, Note on a Variant of the Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv Problem, Acta Arithmetica, (2003), 108(1), 53-59.

  4. William Y.C. Chen, Xueliang Li, Chao Wang, Xiaoyan Zhang, Linear Time Algorithms to the Minimum All-Ones Problem for Unicyclic

    and Bicyclic Graphs, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, (2004), 17(3), 93-98.

  5. William Y.C. Chen, Xueliang Li, Chao Wang, Xiaoyan Zhang, The Minimum All-ones Problem for Trees,SIAM Journal on Computing,

    Vol.33(2), 379-392, March, 2004.

  6. 王超, 周国飞, 关于k-超竞赛图的度序列, 南京大学学报(半年刊), (2004), 21, 184-188.

  7. 张晓岩, 王超, 李素梅, 马先锋, 基于二维细胞自动机的图像加密技术, 光电子.激光, (2008), 19(2), 242-245.

  8. Chao Wang, Guofei Zhou, Note on the Degree Sequence of k-Hypertournaments, Discrete Mathematics, Vol.308(11), 2292-2296,

    June, 2008.

  9. Xueliang Li, Chao Wang, Xiaoyan Zhang, The General σ All-Ones Problem for Trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol.156(10),

    1790-1801, May, 2008.

  10. 张晓岩, 王超, 孙志人, 张赞波, 基于二维CA和CWQ方法的图像加密方案(英文), 南京师大学报(自然科学版), (2008), 31(1), 1-7.

  11. 张晓岩, 王超, 孙志人, 于杨, 基于有序细胞自动机的图像加密方案, 光学精密工程, (2008), 16(9), 1781-1786.

  12. Shao Huang, Chao Wang, Recursive method to solve the problem of "Gambling with God", Discrete Applied Mathematics,

    Vol.160(7-8), 980-984, May 2012.

  13. Xiaoyan Zhang,Chao Wang,Sheng Zhong,Qian Yao, Image Encryption Scheme Based on Balanced Two-Dimensional Cellular

    Automata, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, (2013), 1-10.

  14. Bin Yang, Chao Wang, Aiyun Xiang, Reversibility of general 1D linear cellular automata over the binary field Z2 under null boundary

    conditions, Information Sciences, (2015), 324: 23-31.

  15. Nan Li, Yifang Xu , Chao Wang, Quasi-Homography Warps in Image Stitching, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol.20(6),

    1365-1375, June, 2018.

  16. Nan Li, Tianli Liao, Chao Wang, Perception-based seam cutting for image stitching, Signal Image & Video Processing, Vol.12(5),

    967-974, July, 2018.

  17. Xiaoyan Zhang, Chao Wang, Solutions to All-Colors Problem on Graph Cellular Automata, Complexity, 2019, 1-11.

  18. Chao Wang, Rachel Bass, Tao Li, Hua Wang, Functions on Degrees and Eccentricities in Trees, ARS Combinatoria, Vol.153,

    285-299, 2020.

  19. Chao Wang, Hua Wang, Yuzhi Zhang, The r-Hamming gap and distance-gap-preserving mappings from binary vectors to

    permutations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.365, 1-9, 2020.

  20. Gebremeskel Hagos Gebremedhin, Frank Chao Wang, Design and Development of Enhanced Morphological Analyzer for Ge'ez Verbs

    Using Memory Based Learning Algorithms, The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, Vol.8(7), 1-11, 2020.

  21. Xinyu Du, Chao Wang, Tianze Wang, Zeyu Gao, Efficient methods with polynomial complexity to determine the reversibility of

    general 1D linear cellular automata over Zp, Information Sciences, Vol.594, 163–176, 2022.


  1. 王超, 许方, 一种基于奇异值分解的印刷体数字识别算法, 第三届图像图形技术与应用学术会议论文集, IGTA2008, pp.281-284.

  2. Fang Xu, Jun Cheng, Chao Wang. Real Time Face Tracking Using Particle Filtering and Mean Shift, 2008 IEEE International

    Conference on Automation and Logistics, Sept. 2008, pp.2252-2255.

  3. Xingjuan Li, Chao Wang, Shusong Xing. Hand Manipulated Cubic Display for Virtual Environments, IEEE 5th International Conference

    on Robotics,Automation and Mechatronics, RAM 2011, pp.322-325.

  4. WANG Chao, XIANG Aiyun. Design of Algorithm for Assignment of MSE Theses Evaluation, The International Conference on

    Automatic Control and Artificial Intelligence, ACAI 2012, pp.825-828

  5. Huiqian Niu, Qiankun Lu, Chao Wang. Color Correction Based on Histogram Matching and Polynomial Regression for Image Stitching,

    ICIVC 2018, pp.257-261.

  6. Qiankun Lu, Zeyu Gao, Chao Wang. Rational function model based color correction in image stitching applications, ICMSSP 2019,


  7. Chao Wang, Zeyu Gao, Qiankun Lu. Parallax-Based Color Correction in Image Stitching, ICIVC 2020, pp.69-74.

  8. Zijun Guo, Chao Wang. Low Light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Retinex and Dehazing Model, ICRAI 2020.

  9. Bingjie Duan, Chao Wang, Yanyun Li. NonReference Mapping Net, ICIVC 2022.

  10. Ziwei Xu, Weikang Wang, Zekun Cui, Chao Wang. A Low-light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based on Optimized

    Multi-illumination Fusion, ICIVC 2022.

  11. Zekun Cui, Weikang Wang, Ziwei Xu, Chao Wang. A Low-light Image Enhancement Method Balancing Brightness

    Boosting and Noise Smoothing, CSAI 2022.

  12. Jiacen Guo, Xin Jin, Weilin Chen, Chao Wang. A Novel Low-light Image Enhancement Algorithm Based On

    Information Assistance, ICPR 2022.

  13. Xueyan Zhou, Jiacen Guo, Hao Liu, Chao Wang. A Fusion-based and Multi-layer method for Low Light Image

    Enhancement, ICASSP 2023.


  1. 杨玲玲, 王超, 用数形结合法求解连续型随机变量的函数分布问题, 数学实践与认识, 2014(11), 294-299.







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